Your child’s overall health and oral health have a connection. When it comes to oral health, it supports your child’s speech and eating. Good oral care can help your child develop good dental practices as they get older. Infection, illness, or other dental issues might result from poor oral hygiene. Inability to do daily activities, pain and suffering, shame, and lower self-esteem can all result from poor dental health.

Children with poor dental health may experience developmental delays, irritability, increased susceptibility to sickness, and underweight. They may also experience sleep disruption too. If your child is suffering from any dental problem, it is important to see a paediatric dentist as early as possible.

Otherwise, it can become a serious problem. ToothFairy dental clinic is one of the leading dental clinics in Thailand, and it has the best pediatric dentists. For paediatric dentistry (คลินิกทันตกรรมเด็ก, this is the term in Thai) take their appointment online. Read on to know about the other reasons to maintain the oral health of your children.

· Cognitive Development

According to researchers, oral health and cognitive development have a connection. Children with poor dental hygiene might get low grades in school. Regular dental examinations and procedures usually do not hamper the attendance of a child in school, but poor dental hygiene can do.

· Chronic Medical Problems

Many people are not aware that dental problems can trigger some serious medical problems. It can worsen your diabetes and heart problems and also result in stroke sometimes. It is essential to educate your children about dental problems from their childhood to prevent dental problems.

· Psychosocial Consequences

According to studies, poor dental health can cause psychosocial consequences. For example, children with a toothache can be short-tempered. They will also find it difficult to mingle with their friends at school. They will also not show any interest in participating in group activities.

Most children feel demotivated if they have missed or damaged teeth. This emotion causes social disengagement, shyness while around other people, and an obsession with what other people are thinking of them. These kids are 30% to 40% more likely to experience emotions of worthlessness, sadness or despair, dread of making friends, and a greater propensity to feel and act negatively.

Children’s gums and teeth should be regularly examined in order to identify several other general health issues, including vitamin deficiency, acid reflux, and other problems. Ensure that your children brush their teeth at least once daily properly. It is also important to go for regular dental check-ups as this helps in identifying dental problems at the initial stage itself.

Flossing is also important to maintain good oral health. Make flossing a top priority because one of the main causes of tooth decay in kids is due to plaque build-up brought on by inadequate flossing and brushing. Children can do flossing at any time of the day, but it is better to do it before going to bed.

As most pediatric dentists know how to calm down your children, you do not have to worry about anything. When you take your kids for dental check-up, try dental cleaning without fail, to maintain your oral health.