The solution if you want the ideal figure is breast augmentation surgery. A surgical technique called breast augmentation is used to improve the size and shape of the breasts. The primary objective of this procedure, sometimes known as an enlargement mammoplasty or the “boob job,” is to produce a well-formed and aesthetically acceptable breast shape. Among the most common cosmetic surgery treatments is this one. 

The goal of this procedure is not to treat sagging breasts. To make your breasts appear bigger and raised, you can combine breast augmentation with a breast lift procedure from Richmond, VA breast implants.

Implanted breasts

Breast implants come in two varieties: silicone and saline. Saline implants are more prone to wrinkle than silicone-filled implants, which are silicone shells filled with a soft, plastic gel. Saline-filled implants are silicone shells filled with sterile salt water, and if the implants burst, the saline solution is easily absorbed by or expelled from the body.

Getting ready for the operation

Your surgeon will ask you for a thorough medical history to determine if you are a good candidate for surgery. Anti-inflammatory medications and aspirin may be prohibited before surgery by your doctor, as they can increase bleeding. Additionally, he will advise quitting smoking for a speedy recovery. Further, let your surgeon know whether you want to breastfeed since this will influence where the incisions are made.


In order to reduce your discomfort during surgery, your doctor could give you a general anesthetic or intravenous sedative. To reduce obvious scarring, he will make incisions in less noticeable places. Which incision alternatives are ideal for you may be discussed with your surgeon. Trans axillary incision, Inframammary incision, and Periareolar incision are the most common choices. They all rely on your individual anatomy, the level of augmentation needed, and the kind of breast implant. After the incision is created, a breast implant is placed into a pocket either above or below your chest muscle. Sutures are used to seal cuts, and surgical tape or skin adhesive bandages them. 1 to 2 hours are needed for the process. Make sure you have a driver for the trip home following surgery.


Before you leave the hospital, your doctor will provide detailed instructions to ensure a quick recovery. There may be some swelling in the region where the operation was performed, but it will go away in a few hours, so there is no need to be concerned. Additionally, your surgeon will give you a prescription for painkillers to aid with your discomfort. See your surgeon if the pain lasts for a long time or is severe.