Surrogacy is a modern program that helps even infertile couples experience the joy of parenthood. It is legal in Ukraine and has been used for more than 20 years, although legislative issues were resolved only in 2013-2014.

What is surrogacy?

It is a reproductive technology that helps women with a congenital or acquired absence of uterus or chronic diseases have a child. With the help of reproducers, the patient is provided with eggs and her spouse with sperm. These cells are artificially fertilized (“in vitro”). Doctors then nurture the embryos for several days to ensure that they develop normally. The resulting embryos are analyzed, and only viable embryos are chosen.

Embryos are implanted to a gestational courier, a surrogate mother. She carries the child for 9 months, gives birth, and delivers it to the genetic parents, without claiming any rights to the newborn. The woman is remunerated for her services.

There are many prejudices, caused by religious currents or a lack of understanding of medical intricacies. Despite the common opinion, children born by a surrogate mother are healthy and do not differ from their regular peers. Moreover, reproductive techniques allow analyzing the presence of genetic abnormalities even before the embryos are implanted, so it is practically impossible to have a baby with chromosomal abnormalities.

We should not forget that the much desired and long-awaited child receives all the love and affection of his parents. That is why children from a surrogate mother usually grow up to be calmer, homelier, more capable of learning, friendly, and kind.

If you are interested in costs of surrogacy, we advise you USA-based company Delivering Dreams.

How to become a surrogate mother in Ukraine?

What do you need to know about surrogacy? According to surrogacy center specialists, there should not be any special difficulties in this question. In order to become a surrogate, you should apply to the agency and leave your application. Managers will consider the application and invite her for a consultation. There, the woman will get detailed information about the terms of cooperation and other legal issues. If the parties come to an agreement, the girl is invited to a medical and psychological examination. When these stages are successfully passed, the candidate’s questionnaire goes into the database, and the specialists of the center look for a couple for her.

The cost of surrogacy is negotiated with the candidate individually. The couple additionally pays for food, lodging, buying maternity clothes, cabs from home to the medical center, and other expenses. These payments come into the gestational courier’s account on a monthly basis. All medical expenses are also covered by the service customers. 

All the nuances of the program and its final cost should be clarified by a surrogacy agency. They employ qualified lawyers and psychologists who should be able to answer any questions from both the clients and the candidates for the role of a surrogate.